NordVPN & Forbidden Colours start new partnership

A partnership for a common security

We are thrilled to announce that Nord Security has become a corporate partner of Forbidden Colours. This partnership marks a significant step forward in our commitment to advocate for human rights and support the LGBTQ+ community.

Nord Security is a leader in digital security and privacy solutions that shares our dedication to creating a safe digital environment for everyone. Nord Security’s support will play a crucial role in expanding our initiatives and strengthening our efforts to promote an online space that is free of hate crime, censorship, and surveillance.

Together, we are poised to make a meaningful impact. With Nord Security’s backing, we can enhance our programs, reach more people, and continue to fight for equal opportunities and free speech for all.

Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this exciting journey with Nord Security. We are stronger together, and this partnership is a testament to the power of collaboration and shared values.