Become Part Of

Join the Circle of Impact-Driven Leaders for a More Equal World.
As a Forbidden Patron, you will join us in our journey of transformative impact. You won’t just be supporting our efforts; you will be an integral partner in every success we achieve and every life we touch. This is your opportunity to share in the founders’ vision, to be part of a vibrant movement striving for profound social change.
By becoming a Patron, you lend strength to our cause and help us forge pathways for progress. Your support enables us to advocate more effectively, reach further, and speak louder in the fight for justice and equality.
You can become a Forbidden Patron by donating from 100 euros per month
Belgian taxpayers receive a 45% fiscal reduction. This means that your monthly donation actually costs:
What do you get as Forbidden Patron?
Besides being part of a circle of high-end & high-impact individuals, we provide:
✔ VIP invitation to our events
✔ Two exclusive Patrons’ Circle receptions a year
✔ Dedicated newsletter
✔ Possibility to invite friends to join the Patron’s Circle
✔ Possibility to contribute to the orientations of the organisation
Apply Now To Become A Forbidden Patron
You can become a Forbidden Patron if at least one of the already existing Forbidden Patrons has given you a reference code.