Hungary allows anonymous reporting of LGBTIQ+ families

Hungary’s reaction to the EU lawsuit

On April 11th, the Hungarian Parliament adopted a new anti-LGBTIQ+ law. The law allows anonymous reporting of LGBTIQ+ families to the authorities. The law comes only one week after 15 EU member states and the European Parliament announced they are joining the European Commission in an unprecedented lawsuit against Hungary’s anti-LGBTIQ+ propaganda law.

With the law, the Hungarian authorities try to set up a system that helps “upholding” the Hungarian constitution. The Hungarian Constitution states that marriage is a union “between a man and a woman” and adds that “the mother is a woman and the father is a man”, which implies that any other model of adoption or raising children is prohibited by law.

Besides the reporting of rainbow families, the law will also allow to report anonymously “anyone/anything who denies or alter the true meaning of families defined in the Hungarian constitution”.

By doing this, the Hungarian Parliament is “transposing” the EU whistleblower protection directive. This is just another sign that the regime of Viktor Orbán is no longer taking the European Union seriously. While transposing EU legislation, they are basically trolling Brussels. This is his answer to a majority of EU member states wanting to stop his autocratic anti-LGBTIQ+ policies. Orban has chosen Moscow over Brussels.

Russia’s playbook

This new law is another example of how much the regime of Viktor Orbán is isolating themselves from the rest of the European Union. Last week, 15 member states and the European Parliament answered to a campaign by Forbidden Colours to take part in the EU lawsuit against Hungary’s anti-LGBTIQ+ law.

Just like with the anti-LGBTIQ+ propaganda law, this new law is copy-pasted from Russia. Viktor Orban is fully implementing the Kremlin’s playbook on scapegoating the LGBTIQ+ communities. He’s a danger towards security, democracy and human rights in Europe.